Hello, This is my first post to the NANOG list, so please.. be gentle! ;) I am looking at consolidating several different POPs in a specific city that include a mixture of Point to Point and ATM T1 circuits. My goal is to shut down all of the physical infrastructure in that city, cross connecting all of the circuits onto a Muxed DS3 and backhaul them into a larger Metro POP. This is pretty simple for the standard DS1 and PRI circuits, but the ATM T1 connections have me wondering. I do not have a great deal of experience with ATM, and although we have a couple of T1 ATM interconnetions in our primary Metro POP, I am questioning wether it is truly possible to cross connect the ATM T1 interconnects to Verizon and SBC onto a standard M13T mux, backhaul them into my Metro POP and then hand them off to appropriate ATM interfaces. I've gotten conflicting answers from various sources, so I figured that I would ask here, as most likely there is someone here who can give a cogent answer as to why or why not. So, can I cross connect several ATM T1s onto a DS3 mux and break them out on the other side? Or do I need some sort of intelligent MUX that understands ATM?