On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
On 13/02/2011 15:30, Joe Hamelin wrote:
day. I remember days spent hunting down ring-no-answers in a 400 POTS line hunt group.
It was much easier to detect those by looking for strange port connectivity patterns in the logs.
re: annexes, it was a happy day when we upgraded from annex 3 to portmaster. No idea what the escape key was.
I have a couple of Micro Annex's in the recycle pile in my basement and, after a bit of rummaging, found that I have the paper documentation as well. In the User's Guide it says: "While in a session with a host, pressing an attention key returns you to the CLI prompt." Somewhere else it indicates that BREAK is the attention key however that may be configurable. If anything further is needed contact me, probably off-list, and I can look in the docs including the full CLI manual. Jon