On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Everyone with the facts is covered by NDA.
The owner(s) of the facts can always decide what facts to disclose.
If you care about getting more details, then call the good doctor and ask him yourself. In the meantime, you're not going to get any more information from the press or NANOG than you have about, say, the week-long WorldCom FR outage a year or so ago.
Worldcom could disclose what happened to their network. (or what happened to their accounting, but that's a different story). I suspect we will learn more about what happened to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital's network than we've ever heard publically about any of Worldcom's network problems. Dr. John Halamka has already publically stated he intends to tell other hospitals what happened and how they can avoid the same problem. Excerpt from the Boston Globe article: "No other Massachusetts hospital has ever reported such a long-lasting or disruptive network crash, said Elliot Stone, executive director of the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium, a group that brings together chief information officers from hospitals and health plans around the state. He praised Beth Israel Deaconess for being open about the problem and sharing lessons learned, both about technology itself and about policy - such as the need to enforce rules against unauthorized additions of new software onto the network."