This is no POC, we have seen this happen many many times. Perhaps some
Wrong, and I will tell you why in a second.
drone networks are a little 'behind' but in general, they are perfectly able to do this. Even with some static lists for some large ISPs mailservers they can perfectly initiate it large scale. And yes, it does limit, but with the number of bots we see controlled on the few botnets we monitored the impact will still be hudge.
You have been seeing them try it, yes. But why should they use it when they can send 10,000,000,000 spam messages out with no trouble? The answer is because they will soon have to. As much as some are capable of it, most are not yet there. They will be soon. This is the first evolutionary step I can see that we pushed the spammers into doing, according to our wishes. It may be a bigger "attack" on your servers, but it's nothing in comparison to spam messages out there where every available host sends the spam out. Why SPF won't work? Why it is all useless (SPF, etc.) is because there are 100K and more drone armies out there, but don't kid yourselves - you ain't seen nothing yet.
Should I once again be stoned, or will others see it my way now that the tide is starting to turn?
Its not turning, its happening.
You will know when it's happening. That will be when every spammer will be at the corner and will have to move to this way of working. Just because you see a POC and some people are either more adavanced or bored to do it, and spam is a massive thing so you feel it, doesn't mean it's a trend. Gadi.