* warren@kumari.net (Warren Kumari) [Wed 10 Jul 2024, 23:03 CEST]:
>More seriously, erm, you mean Eero like the wireless devices? Aren't
>they supposed to be mesh wifi thingies, and so traffic is local?
>Like, if eero.com / an eero service goes down, well, … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯?
From what I can tell from reddit.com/r/amazoneero: existing systems
keep running but deploying a new install isn't working. Which is
problematic since quite a few ISPs deliver them as their standard
WiFi router setup. Reconfiguring after a factory reset isn't possible
either, and hasn't been for about a day, per that forum.
>I suspect I'm missing something hugely obvious here…
Neither of us were the target audience for Jared's mail, I suspect.
-- Niels.