thanks everyone watching the video, working on some more new ones. I am also working on a ranking system for transit providers. The way ranking will work is going to be limited to a Metro 

Do you guys have any recommendations what technical aspects to look for when ranking ISPs? it's quiet hard to rank them fairly without having their routing table views, i think, please let me know your thoughts on this and any recommendation is welcome.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 3:05 PM Mehmet Akcin <> wrote:
thanks for all feedback, I have tried to summarize my thoughts in a video, hoping this is useful set of notes

On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 9:46 AM Mark Tinka <> wrote:

On 15/Dec/18 19:37, wrote:

>   I certainly subscribe to the notion that transport + transit is usually less expensive than DIA, but this does depend on the market and location.

... and the type of customer.

DIA for a high-value "Enterprise" customer (think of a large
conglomerate) is typically more costly than DIA for a low-value
"Enterprise" customer (think of a family-owned travel & tour company).
The large global ISP's are making more money from "enterprise" business
than typical wholesale/transit services. This can support the idea that
DIA can be pricier than transit.
