---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 18:49:00 -0400 From: David Farber <farber@cis.upenn.edu> To: ip-sub-1@majordomo.pobox.com Subject: IP: Attack on California's electric power infrastructure from risks for those of you who drive south of San Jose on Route 1-1, note the very large interconnect power station a few 100 ft off of 101 and easily damaged with a rifle or a granade. Maybe that is why they increased security at the US Power Dams several months ago. Do you sleep better at night? Dave Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 17:35:47 -0400 From: "Betty G.O'Hearn" <betty@infowar.com> Subject: Attack on California's electric power infrastructure This morning's IWAR Situation Report contains information about an attack on the electric power infrastructure in California. Although the attack used conventional weapons, it is one of the first attacks on the power infrastructure possibly linked to a political situation. Surf over to: http://www.iwar.org, log in, and get a password. [...] Betty@infowar.com, Assistant to Winn Schwartau [Over 60 rounds were fired at a Pacific Gas and Electric substation in Redwood City, CA, knocking out power in the area. A Confederate flag and a newspaper with the headline of the McVeigh's guilty verdict were found on the fence surrounding the facility. PGN] ******Remember 19 June in San Fran****** Look at http://www.eff.org/fillmore