How do you see the failed AMS-IX expansion fit into this?
My (very simplified) summary of what happened was that : ... At the time of the origin of the discussion I was peering co-ordinator at KPNQwest, and would have pulled-out of AMS-IX if the plans (and KQ..:) ) would have moved on.
well of course i'm not bill, but (naturally) i will comment anyway. was AMS-IX planning to expand beyond its original metro and bridge all the XP switches together? if so then i understand exactly why KQ and other ISP's would have pulled out of AMS-IX in protest (and in fear). however, if the expansion was intra-metro, then i must be confused, because KQ's major source of bandwidth revenue should have been inter-metro not intra-metro.
They planed to interconnect other (well, one) other exchanges in NL. Best regards, - kurtis -