On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 2:39 PM John Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
It appears that Owen DeLong via NANOG <owen@delong.com> said:
>> The cost of putting flyers in the bills rounds to zero, so yes, really. I expect these companies all have plans
>to support v6 eventually, someday, once they're retired and replaced all of the old junk that handles v6 poorly or
>not at all, but you know about accountants and depreciation.
>Unless their infrastructure runs significantly on hardware and software pre-2004 (unlikely), so does the cost of
>adding IPv6 to their content servers. Especially if they’re using a CDN such as Akamai.

I wasn't talking about switches and routers.  I was talking about every single piece of software and equipment that
they use for support and marketing and customer service and all the other stuff that big companies do.

As I may have said once or twice, eventuallly it'll all be replaced so it works on IPv6 but we're not holding our breath.

Glad you noted this.  Thinking this was/is purely a hardware cycle problem related to normal/forced upgrade strategies.  On that point, most hardware I know of from 2004 in larger networks is long fully depreciated and sweating assets 15+ years can happen, but I don't personally think this is the biggest issue.

As you noted John, its the plethora of software, support systems, tooling, and most important in many environments - legacy customer management and provisioning systems that can be the limiting factor.  I recall looking back when leading IPv6 turn-up, those were the biger problems to solve for.  Often such systems are extremely expensive to touch and working on them required prioritization against direct revenue generating projects (opportunity cost) .  Replacing routers was just a money problem.

I am by far not saying I agree with choices made by hold-outs, but I also understand this is for many, not just an engineering problem to solve. 


Victor K
