While there are some smitherings about 10GigE, there are technical reasons and
market reasons it is not really ready for prime yet, that is not to say it's not going
to happen, it is just not going happen now.
Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike@swm.pp.se> wrote:
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Deepak Jain wrote:
> There are no highly dense 10GE platforms that I can think of right now, much
> less cost effective ones.
I usually tell vendors that they need to hit the price point GE was in
2000, which we're not even near at this time.
Although, 80km capable Xenpaks and STM64/OC192 WAN PHY Xenpaks will be
available Q1-2004 so there is still hope that during 2004 we'll see 10GE
become quite useful and at least more price effective than SDH/SONET.
Question is when we'll be able to get 10km Xenpaks below $1000 and when
we'll be able to get 8 port cards for major platforms with at least 40 gig
full duplex bandwidth per slot at less than $10k per card, that's when
10GbE will really start to take off.
The price point for GE over Copper is really silly now with the SOHO
el cheapo gig
switches are closing in on $10 per port, so lets hope the
uplinks will start to catch up.
Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se