nmh@daemontech.com (Nicole) writes:
I am looking at aquiring some switches to upgrade a large web site front and backend switching network.
I am looking at cisco and HP switches at the moment and would like to hear peoples opinions on them or recommendations for any others.
Some of the switches I am looking at are 24 and 48 Port GB (copper) switches and 48 and 24 port 10/100 with GB feed's. (one or two feeds)
Last time I bought switchgear from a distributor other than EBay, it was a pair of D-Link DGS-3224TGR's (http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=2&pid=269). These took some getting used to -- the CLI is extremely ExtremeWare-like, enough that my past familiarity with ExtremeWare does me more harm than good. My hot-buttons for switchgear might be unusual so I'll list a few, in case my mileage might vary too much to make me a useful example. I want SNMPv2 and 64-bit counters, serial console and telnet CLI with a minimum of ANSI screen-control characters, line-rate ACL's on my SNMP and telnet listeners, and the ability to shut completely down the ssh and web listeners. I also care about actual switching features, but those seem nearly universal now compared to "how much will it hurt to manage and monitor it?" -- Paul Vixie