On 22/04/2021 11:36, Hank Nussbacher wrote: Jared wrote earlier:
I've had a similar issue in the past trying to get ready to peer with them. I wanted portal access to look at things. I may yet post a geofeed file just because.
(I was also rejected a portal account, didn't escalate to friends at google because I know my traffic is under a gig for now).
- Jared
Don't bother. We have Google ISP Portal access. We updated our geo-location feed file as they requested: http://noc.ilan.net.il/GGC/iucc-geo-feed-for-google.csv 15 of 16 prefixes were processed on April 30. Till today all our users in Israel are still located in Iceland and have now started to learn Icelandic in order to complete Google pages. Regards, Hank
The issues that others had earlier this month just hit us this morning.
Users in Israel ( trying to access Google.com or Youtube.com appear as coming from Iceland (see screenshot).
Change happened overnight. Someone internally in Google's geo-location group typo'ed Israel as Iceland.
We have GGC access and Google ISP Portal access but why should we have to change the geolocation which worked well since forever just because someone internally messed up?