OK, I have obviously missed something here... I know that the courts dismissed the original complaint against ICANN, but what has happened since, and what i s this about some conspiracy? Are they trying to say that users of
the anti-Si
teFinder BIND patch are conspirators?
No -- but the easiest thing to do is to read the amended complaint, which is linked-to from ICANN's home page.
It never ceases to amaze me that some companies will move forward with actions that they know will give them a horrible reputation. Does the potential for short-term financial gain outweigh the benefits of a good long-term reputation? Verisign, SCO, and Postini come to mind as examples. I can't stand the current spam filtering/AV email service that we use right now (Mailwatch...ugh.), but should we change to Postini--a supposedly superior service--knowing how slimy some of their actions have been? That's a rhetorical question, of course, but I think it makes the point. I prefer to do business with good companies with good products, not bad companies with good products. John --