On 01.12.21 15:17, Tom Beecher wrote:
While you are correct that it's just as illegal to intentionally interfere with the unlicensed wifi bands as it is with CBRS, the difference is that the FCC and regulatory bodies are much more likely to investigate and take action against intentional interference in these frequency ranges than they would be in the unlicensed wifi bands.
And there's a practical reason for that: establishing proof of unauthorized use of a frequency is a heck of a lot easier than intentional interference. All the former requires is triangulation of the offending station. The latter requires that plus a finding of intent. It CAN happen; but more often than not what is actually found is a faulty piece of equipment that is emitting something and everything else catching a bad harmonic. There was a famous case about this in Wales in which an old television set took out a town.[1] Eliot https://www.openreach.com/news/second-hand-tv-wipes-out-broadband-for-entire...