It also imtimates that they do not believe that ICANN has any right under current legislation to monitor what actually goes into the zone file; only the way verisign behaves as a registry. The fact of the matter is that yes, there is a seperation between those two items but ICANN most deffinitely has a say in how the technical aspects can be managed. Also, once verisign made a change to the root file for it's own commercial benefit, they themselves crossed the line between registry and maintainer. On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 05:03:50PM -0400, Kevin Loch wrote:
"... in an attempt to assert a dubious right to regulate non-registry services."
This explains everything. They don't believe the stability of com and net are in any way related to their registry duties.
That quote alone should be sufficient to deny them custody of com and net.
--- Wayne Bouchard web@typo.org Network Dude http://www.typo.org/~web/