Aside from a horrid config notation. the main problem for me has always been getting sysadmins to include the changes which expose envelope-sender and envelope-recipient to procmail. Thats not procmail, its the way procmail is typically called. Without it, some stuff simply cannot be done because you don't know the values passed by protocol, only the values exposed in header. (this may have changed. I don't use it any more) On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:58 AM, John R. Levine <> wrote:
On 4/9/2014 5:45 PM, George Michaelson wrote:
procmail is a rewrite of MMDF mailfilter. badly.
Thanks, but I believe it slightly preceded MMDF's equivalent facility. On
the average, Allman put comparable features into sendmail sooner than I did.
Procmail's user interface, if you can call it that, is beyond awful and looks like line noise. But the code is great.
Regards, John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.