Also sprach Dennis Glatting
You can't get address pool space from ARIN for anything less than a /20, last I looked.
Oh, and how about this lovely logic. We're currently efficiently (according to ARIN's guidelines) utilizing a /20, 2 /23's and a /24. We apply to ARIN for space, and what do they say they'll give us? A /20. Period. Someone care to explain this to me? We're going to give back to upstreams a /20+ that we're efficiently utilizing, and to do this we're supposed to renumber into *less* space than what we have now? And to pay for the privelage of doing so? And people wonder why providers and other corporations don't have any motivation to clean up routing tables and do the other things we're always being told we need to do in order to be good Internet neighbors. People tend to quit doing nice things if doing nice things earns them a slap in the face. -- Jeff McAdams Email: Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456