This box is the HFR which, according to the San Jose Mercury, is short for "Huge Fast Router". (Some reporter at the Merc probably still believes in the tooth fairy.)
Same as the BFR, I heard a different interpretation of the word in the middle :-)
As with many things, if you have to ask how much it costs before deciding to order it, you can't afford it.
You don't get it, me thinks. For lots of people here, networks are not a toy funded by the taxpayer's money, they're a tool to make money and popular wisdom that I have found being practiced here says that indeed you _do_ ask how much it costs before you buy it. I don't buy a million bucks peace of equipment because it looks cool and I just got funding. I buy a million bucks piece of equipment because I want ROI on it, and if the ROI is 500k over 5 years I actually don't buy it. Michel.