On Feb 24, 2015, at 10:27 AM, Kain, Rebecca (.) <bkain1@ford.com> wrote:
Ah, Comcast support. Those people who keep calling my Ford Motor Company phone, to threaten to shut off service to my home, which I don't have (I have uverse). They keep saying they will take my Ford number off the account (which of course, I don't know the account number because I don't have an account) and then they call again, with the same threat.
Real winners. And yes, I've been saving the chats with support.
Is it actually Comcast calling or is it just a debt collector saying they are Comcast? We have been getting at about a call a day for the past 5+ years looking for a Fred Sepp that skipped out on a $300 water bill. Each time they say they won’t call back, each time they sell the account to someone else. They’ll probably still be looking for him in another 5 years.