On Oct 2, 2006, at 11:06 AM, Mike Lyon wrote:
OK, I should clarify this. The description that is on that link I put in my original e-mail doesn't actually describe what is happening, but that is the error they spit back at me.
What really is happening is that the url that is in my e-mail and when you reolve it to an IP, if you do a reverse lookup on that IP, it comes back with a generic DNS entry that my colo provider has assigned to it. So the issue seems to be that the reverse DNS entry and the domain name don't match. But this isn't really an issue, a lot of providers do it this way.
But why is AOL being lame with this?
If that's the behaviour you're seeing, and your theory is really the reason for it... odds are that it's a bug. Happens occasionally. The folks at AOL are usually pretty helpful - I'd suggest calling their postmaster group and asking them for help (there's a link for that on the URL you posted). They're the only ones who can help you diagnose what's going on further, I suspect. Cheers, Steve