>> It will also take much less RAM if you turn RPKI validation off.
> oh dear ghod. do i need to turn the dancing donkeys off too?
> "Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh
> rather than complicate old programs by adding new "features"."
> -- ken thompson - unix philosophy
> a good side to a bit of economic contraction might be a side effect of
> code bloat and featuritis contraction.
to be clearer, i now run a 4GB VM with irrd2, rancid, nfsen, and a wiki.
so i will stick with irrd2.
Are you looking for to set up just an “authoritative IRR source” (RGNET?), or to set up an instance which mirrors all the world’s IRRs? The latter option is quite memory heavy.
If mirroring other databases is not the goal; an “auth only” IRRd v4 deployment will easily fit your VM alongside those other apps.
Or perhaps you are interested to fund development of a modern lightweight version of the IRRd software? :-)
Kind regards,