----- Original Message ----- From: "Adi Linden" <adil@adis.on.ca>
Provide a safe network connection. I believe an ISP should provide a safe environment to play, assuming the customer is innocent granny. Your average DSL network connection should be safe by default, so a default Win98 (or any other OS) can be connected without fear of compromise.
That's like saying provide safe electricity. If someone has a toaster where the wire cracks and they electrocute themselves, or a hair dryer that isn't safe in the bathtub, do you complain that the electric company should provide safe electricity? How is bandwidth any different? There is no "safe bandwidth". No matter how you look at it it's a two way communications and it's never going to be "safe" as far as the bandwidth goes, just like electricity is power and it's never going to be safe. It's the devices you plug in that need to be made safe. The only thing ISP's can do is damper bandwidth, try and limit feedback/flow rates so we don't have a single tree take out the electrical network in the northeast. Geo.