I saw that yesterday. I also enjoyed looking at the inside of their datacenter on Google Street view. https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=35.898532,-81.545817&spn=0.004806,0.010568&sll=35.900197,-81.547024&layer=c&cid=7373938251588581469&panoid=2A5KnxdctVfIXT0qFF5Z6Q&cbp=13,356.72,,0,2.73&gl=US&t=m&cbll=35.898546,-81.547919&z=17 Derek On Oct 18, 2012, at 10:28 AM, "Tony Patti" <tony@swalter.com> wrote:
"Where the Internet lives - Take a look inside Google's high-tech data centers"
showed up as an article in the local _Philadelphia_Inquirer_ newspaper this morning.
Because of prior Data Center and Google discussions on NANOG, am hoping this is interesting to others.
Tony Patti CIO S. Walter Packaging