One question which keeps coming up with network equipment vendors is what type of environment should they expect their equipement to operate in the typical ISP colocation or POP. This may or may not be the same as a "telco" environment. However, there isn't any good data, so folks fall back onto things like NEBS or IBM. I'd like to collect some real, typical data about the types of environments ISPs operate their equipment in. I have eight data loggers at NANOG, which I can loan people until the next NANOG. I'm asking some ISPs to put the loggers in their equipment rooms near the equipment (although not directly in the exhaust air) to measure the environment. The loggers are smaller than a box of coughdrops, however they are not for outdoor use. Please don't expose them to rain or water. I will be in Scottsdale until Wednesday, and in exchange for a business card (so I can keep track of who I loaned them too) and a promise to send the sensor back to me by the next NANOG, I will give you a pre-programmed temperature and humidity logger. If you prefer to collect the data yourself, and send me me data, rather than using my box in your POP: Collect current temperature (F) and relative humidity (%RH) once every 60-72 minutes with a timestamp (date and time) for 3 months. I can deal with either a plain text files containing comma-seperated values; or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (97 or 2000). I need all the data points, not just averages from MRTG or the like. If you miss a few measurements, that's ok, as long as the timestamps shows valid data. If you use your own sensors, please verify the calibration of the sensors ahead of time. I don't need it traced to NIST, but use another thermometer and compare the readings. I've found the quality control on sensors used in router equipment isn't always the best, and can be systematically off by several degrees.