Someone just wrote me and said:
I would be happy to remove a lot of out /24's if the NIC would allocate a larger than /32 to renumber into. The NIC does not thing this is as important.
According to what I know of InterNIC's policies, they will be glad to trade aggregated address space for unaggregated space, _in_roughly_equal_parts_, and assuming that you have efficiently used your old space. It's not that InterNIC doesn't consider this important -- rather than they are not in the routing business and the routability of addresses is not one of the criteria they can look at when making allocations. So don't put it to them in terms of routability, just SWIP your suballocat- ions and write a nice polite letter showing how some parts of the world will be better off and no part of the world will be worse off if prefixes X and Y are returned to the pool in exchange for prefix Z (of size ~X + ~Y). If you do _that_ and are told to go pound sand, I'd like to hear about it. But I know people who have successfully done what I'm suggesting so I really do not expect you to fail.