4) all domains with invalid whois data MUST be deactivated (not confiscated, just temporarily removed ...
All? Even those unpublished and therefore non-resolving? Sensible for the scoped-to-totality trademarks weenies who argue that the stringspace is a venue for dilution, whether the registry publishes all of its allocations or not. I'm not sure why anyone cares about a very large class of domains in the context of SMTP however.
5) whois data MUST be normalized and available in machine-readable form
There are some registries that use paper to answer registration queries. I'm not sure why anyone cares about a very small class of domains in the context of SMTP however. Aggregation and reformatting have their place. We explored this in the whoisfix bofs but no working group congealed around "fixing" :43. Again, I'm not sure why anyone cares about a very large class of whois:43 output sources in the context of SMTP however. Eric