Not only that, but unless _everyone_ implements 2 and/or 3, all the bad people that exploit the things these are meant to protect will migrate to the networks that lack these measures, mitigating the benefits.
not just the bad people. all the people. a network with 2 or 3 in place is useless. there is no way to make 2 or 3 happen.
This seems to be a catch-22; no one will implement these for the good of the net because it costs money, and ignorant competitors that don't implement them will not share in that expense. Have any such ideas been implemented in the modern internet? How?
neither 2 or 3 would be for the good of the net. 1 would be. the problem with 1 is that the person who feels pain when ISP "A" doesn't do 1 is most likely to be ISP "B". therefore people confuse 1 with "internet altruism" rather than the "rational selfishness" that it is.