Looking at it strictly from a technical level, there is little difference between a private interconnect and the connection between an ISP and their upstream provider if they have one. (we might consider debating this assumption especially in terms of scale :-)) One might as well ask if ISPs are willing to publicly display their packet drop rates where they buy connectivity from their upstream providers at the same time one is asking MCI, Sprint, UUNet and ANS for their interconnection drop statistics. Might it be easier for a customer of an ISP to get this kind of data from their ISP? Or not? Cheers, peter
---------- I wonder if this is something involved parties (MCI, Sprint, UUNet and ANS) are willing to talk about, given that I've noticed some degradation on performance across some of these private interconnects already.. (and it's only been couple of months since they came online!) I understand that these are private arrangements between involved parties, but given their importance, it would be a great service to the community if the involved parties could share some information. -dorian