I am trying to imagine the corporate boards of APNIC, RIPE and ARIN planning for a venn diagram overlap between a grey goo scenario, and fully automated ipv6 allocations... Just imagine the size of the RPKI backend! On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 1:12 PM, Jens Link <lists@quux.de> wrote:
Lee Howard <lee@asgard.org> writes:
I’ve tried several times to come up with a scenario that leads to depletion in less than 200 years, and I haven’t managed it. Can you do it?
Self replicating nano bots. Which will be a good thing (probably):
Jens -- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- | Foelderichstr. 40 | 13595 Berlin, Germany | +49-151-18721264 | | http://blog.quux.de | jabber: jenslink@quux.de | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------