On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:22:15AM -0400, deeann mikula wrote:
On Fri, 25 May 2001, Sabri Berisha wrote:
Second, an average user probably wouldn't have the skill.
Then he/she should learn. I don't buy a car if I can't drive. I'm sorry for comparing internetworking with driving a car but I feel that FTP'ing is a basic skill if you want to use the internet in a professional way
uh, when is the last time that you worked the front line of an ISP? most people have never even heard of FTP. i almost spewed my orange juice all over my desk when i read that paragraph. :)
yep, and thanks to people like you, they will never hear about FTP. you are helping to create a society of users who think that Netscape/Explorer is the internet, with no concept of any of its other applications.
unfortunately, i have accepted the fact that there is no stopping customers from emailing 10MB (and larger!) files, they can just go to our competition if we prevent it.
that would be my tactic, but then i'm my own boss, so i can make those decisions. i get the impression that you (or someone else on the "pro-ftp-by-email" side) is "just and employee" and has to do as they are told. well, have a bit of guts, and try to explain to management what the implications (both current and local as well as future and far-reaching) of such policies are. when 100 customers leave because 1 customer hosed your mail server, then maybe they will start listening to tachnical advice, as opposed to relying solely on marketing advice. -- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 ] [ Now with more and longer words for your reading enjoyment. ]