Does nothing. Does it require permitting the unfettered execution of arbitrary untrusted and untrustworthy code perchance? -- Be decisive. Make a decision, right or wrong. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+kmedcalf=dessus.com@nanog.org> On Behalf Of William Guo Sent: Saturday, 10 April, 2021 02:49 To: MunFai Lee <munfai@bubblenut.sg> Cc: NANOG Mailing List <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: Google IP Geolocation
Do you mind trying https://ipinsight.io/ and see if they're correct locations (we're 100% confident)?
And see if anyone from Google could have a try on our data to help its users.
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 8:28 AM MunFai Lee <munfai@bubblenut.sg <mailto:munfai@bubblenut.sg> > wrote:
We're also having similar issues - Google is detecting our Singapore IP range as coming from HK, and our HK Ip range as coming from Vietnam
Just applied for access to Google's ISP portal - let's see what happens.
If anyone else have any more ideas how to get Google to fix this, please do share - my users are getting fed up!
From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+munfai=bubblenut.sg@nanog.org <mailto:bubblenut.sg@nanog.org> > on behalf of Benjamin Hatton <bhatton@htva.net <mailto:bhatton@htva.net> > Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9:47 PM Cc: NANOG Mailing List <nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> > Subject: Re: Google IP Geolocation
Just as another viewpoint on this.
We do not peer or have GGC Cache servers, but I put in a request for a portal account after seeing this thread, and it was approved in less than 24h, so YMMV.
The only thing I can think of that is different, is that we do move enough traffic for Google to have us flagged as 'Your traffic levels qualify for Google Peering' (~2.5Gbps) and are an eyeball network.
Ben Hatton
Network Engineer | Haefele Connect
d:(607)589-8000 | ben@haefeleconnect.com <mailto:ben@haefeleconnect.com>
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 9:15 AM Troy Kelly via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> > wrote:
We've also been denied access to the ISP portal.
When we replied as to why, we were told to not open another ticket. They aren't interested in conversation.
Sent from ProtonMail mobile
-------- Original Message -------- On 30 Mar 2021, 6:53 am, Mike Hammett < nanog@ics-il.net <mailto:nanog@ics-il.net> > wrote:
I've had others at Google specifically say that portal should be used for that purpose, so maybe they need to make sure right and left hands know what the other is doing.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest-IX http://www.midwest-ix.com
From: "Josh Luthman" <josh@imaginenetworksllc.com <mailto:josh@imaginenetworksllc.com> > To: "Christopher Morrow" <morrowc.lists@gmail.com <mailto:morrowc.lists@gmail.com> > Cc: nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 1:52:48 PM Subject: Re: Google IP Geolocation
I signed up for an account there and they said:
"Currently, the Google ISP portal is designed for our partners of GGC, PNI or IX programs.
The access to portal is granted on request only to our partners."
Josh Luthman 24/7 Help Desk: 937-552-2340 Direct: 937-552-2343 1100 Wayne St Suite 1337 Troy, OH 45373
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 2:08 PM Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com <mailto:morrowc.lists@gmail.com> > wrote:
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 1:59 PM Josh Luthman <josh@imaginenetworksllc.com <mailto:josh@imaginenetworksllc.com> > wrote:
Google ISP specifically told me they didn't want to do deal with geolocation on the ISP portal.
unsure who 'google isp' is here, but ... I think if you point at a properly formed geo-location data file it'll get eaten and produce proper results for you. you do have to add that in your isp portal: tri-pipe-thingy -> configuration -> IP geolocation and /register feed/ button on that page.
Josh Luthman 24/7 Help Desk: 937-552-2340 Direct: 937-552-2343 1100 Wayne St Suite 1337 Troy, OH 45373
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 3:28 PM Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com <mailto:morrowc.lists@gmail.com> > wrote:
As a note, on the ISP portal there's a place to put a link to your RFC8805 format geolocation feed... these are scraped out 'regularly' and help keep things oriented better for folks.
the ietf noc folk use this method to tell google (and other folk who scrape out our data) where meetings are before the meetings get there: https://noc.ietf.org/geo/google.csv
-chris volunteer noc persona
On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 6:43 PM Michael K. Spears <michael@spears.io <mailto:michael@spears.io> > wrote:
Awesome, I think I’ve figured out the Google ISP portal signup, but it definitely seems semi-complicated in a way, notably finding the link…
Thank you,
Michael K. Spears
From: Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net <mailto:nanog@ics-il.net> > Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 6:30 PM To: Michael K. Spears <michael@spears.io <mailto:michael@spears.io> > Cc: nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: Google IP Geolocation
We're working on a video to show people how to sign up for the ISP portal and get to that part of the portal once signed up. We'll drop a link to it near the Google section of our geolocation page.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest-IX http://www.midwest-ix.com
From: "Michael K. Spears" <michael@spears.io <mailto:michael@spears.io> > To: nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 5:10:23 PM Subject: Google IP Geolocation
Anyone have a good contact at Google who can help with IP geolocation? I have a /24 where anything related to Google is in the wrong language.
Thank you,
Michael K. Spears