We see a number of session towards downstreams flaps obviously caused by prefix, originated by AS45158, transited by AS4739 (see below). Best regards, Fredy Kuenzler Init7 / AS13030 #sh ip bgp Number of BGP Routes matching display condition : 4 Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete Network Next Hop MED LocPrf Weight Path *>i 21 150 0 4739 45158 {64512 64514 64516 64519 64521 64522 64525 64526 64528 64529 64530 64535 64537 64538 64541 64542 64543 64544 64545 64546 64547 64548 64549 64552 64553 64556 64557 64560 64561 64562 64564 64565 64566 64568 64569 64570 64574 64575 64576 64577 64578 64580 64582 64583 64584 64588 64593 64598 64599 64601 64602 64605 64610 64611 64620 64621 65397 65398 65470 65471 65472 65473 65474 65479 65480 65484 65485 65490 65502 65505 65511 65514 65523 65524 65528 65534 65609} ? *i 21 150 0 4739 45158 {64512 64514 64516 64519 64521 64522 64525 64526 64528 64529 64530 64535 64537 64538 64541 64542 64543 64544 64545 64546 64547 64548 64549 64552 64553 64556 64557 64560 64561 64562 64564 64565 64566 64568 64569 64570 64574 64575 64576 64577 64578 64580 64582 64583 64584 64588 64593 64598 64599 64601 64602 64605 64610 64611 64620 64621 65397 65398 65470 65471 65472 65473 65474 65479 65480 65484 65485 65490 65502 65505 65511 65514 65523 65524 65528 65534 65609} ? *i 21 150 0 4739 45158 {64512 64514 64516 64519 64521 64522 64525 64526 64528 64529 64530 64535 64537 64538 64541 64542 64543 64544 64545 64546 64547 64548 64549 64552 64553 64556 64557 64560 64561 64562 64564 64565 64566 64568 64569 64570 64574 64575 64576 64577 64578 64580 64582 64583 64584 64588 64593 64598 64599 64601 64602 64605 64610 64611 64620 64621 65397 65398 65470 65471 65472 65473 65474 65479 65480 65484 65485 65490 65502 65505 65511 65514 65523 65524 65528 65534 65609} ? * 1546 150 0 3257 7473 7474 9300 45158 i Last update to IP routing table: 0h25m47s, 1 path(s) installed: Route is advertised to 1 peers: