Fabio, I believe there are several companies that build equipment based on the 802.17B standard. I will be more than glad to list them if you want. I was quite involved in IEEE 802.17 during the standardization up till 2005. What are you looking for in the case studies? I can go at length on the merits of RPR. - You can have upto 255 nodes in a ring (2000KM rings) and very robust - It runs a native L2 based topology and had 50ms recovery for fiber chops and restoration - It supports both source steering and wrapping - Most importantly it support CoS and fairness for nodes on the ring for certain types of traffic Some of the cons: - Limited number of vendors and chip makers supporting this technology - Has remained a niche technology and faces competition from EAPS and ERPS - A little complex to understand Let me know if you have any more questions. Vinay Bannai Fabio Mendes wrote:
I'd appreciate if someone could answer some of my questions:
1. What vendors currently offer support to the IEEE 802.17b standard ?
2. After extensive searching, have found no case studies. Do you guys could recomend any ?
3. If someone had been envolved with 802.17's deployments, what are your thoughts about it ? I mean, the whole process as well as the benefits (and problems) that arose.
Thanks !