In message <Pine.LNX.3.95.961208112336.9654C-100000@netrail.net>, Nathan Stratt on writes:
On Sun, 8 Dec 1996, Alec H. Peterson wrote:
On Dec 7, 1996, Nathan Stratton wrote:
Name one FDDI nap that is maxed out.
You must be kidding. Have you not noticed the 20% packet loss across the bridge between the two gigaswitches at MAE-east? Sure, the individual gigaswitches themselves might not be maxed out, but if the bridge is saturated then they may as well be.
Yes, MFS needs to do this differently.
MFS can't even do full duplex ethernet. Of course, I don' know of any other people offering full duplex LAN connection services. Party is related to the old ethernet switches, that didn't support it. But I haven't been able to convince them to sell me full duplex anything yet. (Clear channel DS3 or T-1, but not much else). --- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. jerry@fc.net PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 1-800-968-8750 | 512-458-9810 http://www.fc.net