+1 Flexoptics, Next day deliver, USB programmer makes the SFP any vendor you want. Graybar for fiber jumpers, next day counter pick up if they don’t have them in stock. -- Matthew S. Crocker President Crocker Communications, Inc. PO BOX 710 Greenfield, MA 01302-0710 E: matthew@crocker.com P: (413) 746-2760 F: (413) 746-3704 W: http://www.crocker.com
On Apr 10, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Thomas King <thomas.king@de-cix.net> wrote:
Hi Nanog list,
I am looking for a reliable supplier for optics and fibres in the US. A supplier close to NYC is preferable but optional.
The concrete urgent needs are: * SFP+ DWDM optics ** 1x CH44, 1x CH45, compatible with DELL F10 ** 1x CH44, 1x CH45, compatible with Alcatel-Lucent
* LC-LC patch cable ** 2x 2m ** 2x 3m ** 2x 5m
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Best regards, Thomas
-- Dr. Thomas King Manager Research & Development
DE-CIX Management GmbH | Lindleystraße 12 | 60314 Frankfurt am Main | Germany | www.de-cix.net | Phone +49 69 1730902 87 | Mobile +49 175 1161428 | Fax +49 69 4056 2716 | thomas.king@de-cix.net | Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa | Registergericht AG Koeln HRB 51135