From: Don Gould Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 4:18 PM To: North American Network Operators' Group Subject: Simple Cable Marking Standards
I would like to make a wiki page with links to useful resources.
This issue cased me problems last week.
I don't know what the conventions are.
I don't know what the best tools are.
I don't know what others are doing.
I don't have good examples.
I am interested specifically in 'very small, edge' examples.
I'm also interested in FLOSS documentation tools for recording set ups, pref web based that will translate well to Android.
One thing I will do if I have some spare time at the colo is wander the aisles and see what other folks have done in certain situations. Many people put some nice work on display, so, admire it and learn from it. Some of it "looks" really nice but can be a pain to work with, too so you have to consider how it would be to have to pull a blade from that switch that looks really nice at first until you consider having to actually replace anything in that network.