On 15/Aug/18 15:49, Colton Conor wrote:
We are looking for a new network monitoring system. Since there are so many operators on this list, I would like to know which NMS do you use and why? Is there one that you really like, and others that you hate?
For free options (opensouce), LibreNMS and NetXMS come highly recommended by many wireless ISPs on low budgets. However, I am not sure the commercial options available nor their price points.
We run Iris - home-grown (South Africa), great support, small/nimble team that are able to fix issue, add features and give advice. Very flexible, captures plenty of data out-the-box, supports a ton of vendors and data points, e.t.c. It's a commercial solution, but not out of reach. Heck, even I can afford it :-). http://www.irisns.com/ We moved from a Cacti/SmokePing/Observium/Zabbix combo to Iris 2 years ago. Much happiness. Mark.