RB> Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 11:33:43 -0400 RB> From: Robert Boyle RB> Now THAT is impressive compression! I don't know what your former company RB> did, but they should focus on selling that compression technology. ;) Irrational numbers can be described in finite space, yet extend indefinitely with no discernable pattern. Perhaps said company has found a way to map arbitrary infinite-length data streams to short, simple representations a la "digits 'x' through 'y' of pi". ;-) (Note smiley. This is tongue-in-cheek commentary on entropy.) Eddy -- Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/ A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/ Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita ________________________________________________________________________ DO NOT send mail to the following addresses: davidc@brics.com -*- jfconmaapaq@intc.net -*- sam@everquick.net Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked. Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.