Marshall Eubanks wrote:
http://www.insidebayarea.com/oaklandtribune/localnews/ci_16526623?source =rss
The cable companies are losing subs at an increasing rate. People are using them for internet and not buying the television programming. If Comcast can't collect from their "cord-cutting" customers, then they will collect from the content providers whose products their customers are using.
I have been told that "cutting the cord" are the 3 most frightening words in the cable industry today.
IMO, they need to see that they are service providers, not gate-keepers. I am afraid that the Level-3 response here may help them to cling on to the legacy business model and avoid facing the new situation before them.
Regards Marshall
And after reading the article, I came away with: "Six companies create the content that consumes 85 percent of U.S. viewing hours, Moffett said. "Until they get on board, the train's not leaving the station." " Cable's going to take a hit, but until those six companies make their content available on the Internet...