22 Feb
22 Feb
2:13 a.m.
Dave, as you're in Apricot anyway .. there's an APDIP session today evening that's discussing these ITU/WGIG issues. http://igov.apdip.net/events/apricot2005/document_view UNDP-APDIP Session@Apricot 2005/APNIC 19 in partnership with Internet Governance Task Force of Japan Date: Tuesday 22nd February 16:00-17:30 Venue: Room B1 on 2F, Kyoto International Conference Hall (KICH), Kyoto, Japan On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 11:06:11 +0900, Dave Crocker <dhc2@dcrocker.net> wrote:
the problem is that professional writing needs to be careful, and a failure at such a basic level as using web to apply to email does not bode well for the utility of the article...