:: Jay R. Ashworth writes ::
The problem on point is that NAT cannot interoperate with DNSSEC.
That the DNSSEC chains on each side of a NAT box are clean is immaterial, because *the DNS server and the NAT box are, by definition, not within the same span of administrative control*.
If I'm the client asking that DNSSEC server about something, I want _it's_ authentication. I may not be willing to trust my NAT box's operator, so the fact that _he_ signs it is immaterial to me.
In the current world, we have Router Operators between users and servers, and those Router Operators have to be trusted. Those same organizations would be running NAT boxes in the Brave New World of NAT in the backbone. So putting NAT in the backbone doesn't really mandate that you trust anyone else. Let's suppose you query on "www.webserver.com" and get back an A record with IP address, with a compeltely valid set of signatures. Then, assuming you trust the security of the DNSSEC model, you know with a high degree of confidence that the owner of the webserver.com domain claims that the IP address of www.webserver.com is But it makes no claims that if you send a packet to, that packet will route where the owner of webserver.com thinks it will. In fact, that packet will route wherever the owners of the routers between you and want it to route. So you've got to trust them, even without NAT. DNSSEC can be enhanced to reflect that trust: In a NAT + DNSSEC world, suppose that Sprint maintains a NAT between themselves and MCI. And that, rather than translating information in DNSSEC packets, they append signed translation information. Assume you want to connect to WWW.X.COM. Your DNS query could return with: WWW.X.COM (A record) (signed by company X) (NAT's to) (signed by Sprint) (The first line came from X's DNS. The second line was added by Sprint's NAT box.) You can tell from that that you should send your connection request to In order to do that, you have to trust Sprint's claim that they will translate to, but remember, even in the non-NAT world, you were already trusting Sprint. (Distribution of Sprint's public key, and the public keys of all other NAT box operators, would have to occur somehow, and that's almost certainly non-trivial, but also almost certainly doable.) In short, NAT would break DNSSEC is its current incarnation, but the problems could be fixed, and DNS in a NAT world could be made as secure as DNSSEC currently is in a non-NAT world. I still don't like NAT in the backbone, though. - Brett (brettf@netcom.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... Coming soon to a | Brett Frankenberger .sig near you ... a Humorous Quote ... | brettf@netcom.com