Or maybe, the four providers named are the same 4 being used by Internap at that node, so effectively terminating the announcement from all 4 directions to Internap solves the problem.
There is a "historical" precedent that supports this theory. For those who can set their Way-Back Machines far enough to remember, Opus once had a brief career as a paparazzi. While photographing Madonna, he was punched in the node by Sean Penn. The camera manufacturer was sued, though, on the basis that they had the money. The application of logic to this situation is laudable; as many of you know, I'm a big fan of logic myself. It would seem, though, that the brand of logic being applied at the RIAA is not technology logic (our favorite, clearly), but a logic designed to encompass as many people in their definition of infringement as they can. The more entities they can encompass, the more "control" they can exert. Shutting down a specific website probably has much less appeal than establishing a precedent to force backbones to filter. What's truly sad in this case is that if the RIAA (and MPAA) would spend a little bit of time listening to what people want and thinking about how to implement it, instead of furiously entrenching themselves in the 1970s, *real* content delivery as the next "killer app" might lift our little corner of the tech industry out of the muck. If they spend all their energy playing whack-a-mole, though, they'll just continue to contribute to the stagnation (and hopefully progress will pave them over sooner rather than later). kc pointed out some very thoughtful commentary by Janis Ian on this topic, URLs are: http://www.janisian.com/article-internet_debacle.html http://www.janisian.com/article-fallout.html The notion of a "risk-free" trial of the content delivery business concept using the out-of-print catalog is very appealing. Stephen