On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 08:09:29 -0400 "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs@seastrom.com> wrote:
This morning I went digging for a book to recommend that someone in our NOC read in order to understand at a high level how Internet infrastructure works (bgp, igps, etc) and discovered that the old standbys (Huitema, Halabi, Perlman) have all not been updated in a decade or so. [...] So, what are you having your up-and-coming NOC staff read?
That is an excellent question Rob. I still recommend and prefer to use Radia's book when I teach networking classes. There are lots of books that regurgitate the specs or spend a fair amount of time on the core algorithms and mechanisms, but few go into the "why" and "what if" like she does that makes it so exceptional and particularly relevant from an operations perspective. I often will play a clip or two from past meetings like NANOG and discuss that in class to make up for the lack of reference and discussion material elsewhere. Perhaps point them at a few of your favorite presentations on a particular operationally relevant topic you want them to know more about? John