Steve, To borrow from the Bard, "Aye, that's the rub." MFS Datanet provides the service known as MAE-East to a group of customers who created and define it by what they are willing to pay for. There is no single entity which "owns" it in any real sense. MFS owns the facilities which provide the service, but MAE-East as a concept is really more of a cooperative and there isn't any obvious "owner". This is precisely why MFS got in seriously hot water with the MAE-East customers when they wanted to rename MAE-East the DC NAP - MAE-East ain't truly theirs to rename in a very real sense. That's what make responding to your otherwise quite reasonable request rather tricky, short of convening a MAE-East customer plenary, which MFS *has* undertaken once before (when the group was rather smaller). Cheers, -Mike O'Dell