Frankly I dont want any of my ISP's filtering any of my traffic. I think we need (especially enterprise administrators like myself) to take some responsibility, and place our own filters.
That's a popular sentiment which derives its facade of reasonableness from the notion that ISP's ought to provide unencumbered pipes to the Internet core. However, it doesn't bear close scrutiny.
I disagree.
Would you say that ISP's should not filter spoofed source addresses?
It depends. If spoofed source address can be determined with 100% reliability then, generally, yes. However, an ISP, generally would only be able to reliably make this determination on some of their own customers' links. As such, that's not my traffic unless I'm already violating an AUP or one of said ISPs other customers is violationg the ISPs AUP. Of course an ISP has the right to block traffic which is in clear violation of the ISPs AUP from the ISPs customers who presumably signed the AUP as a condition of their service agreement.
That they should turn off "no ip directed broadcast"? Of course not,
I cannot think of a single situation in which the ISPs configuration of no ip directed broadcast would affect my traffic unless I was sending traffic _TO_ the broadcast of some network within the ISPs backbone. As such, I would, again, figure that falls into the AUP violation category above.
because such traffic is clearly pathological with no redeeming social value.
No. Because such traffic is clearly in violation of the AUP I signed as a customer and for no other reason. My ISP has the right to block my traffic in any case where I am in violation of the AUP. He has a similar right with any of his/her other customers. Outside of that, no, an ISP should not, generally block traffic.
The tough part for the ISP is to decide what other traffic types are absolutely illegitimate and should therefore be subject to being Verboten on the net.
Again, this is a very slippery slope and relies on the fallacy that traffic must have some socially redeeming value in order to be routed. In my eyes, what traffic has value may be radically different from your opinion. Allowing opinion to enter into rulesets is not, generally, a good plan. Owen