Hi, I love that people compare absolute numbers but have you also checked how much noise is in there? Back in the times when I was handling a /32 for someone, I created really strict filters and was shocked. The last version (really outdated these days, so don't use it, Cisco style) was here: http://sources.zabbadoz.net/ipv6/v6-prefix-filter-20080703-public.cfg People might say that it would not be helpful at all as we want IPv6 deployed but on the other hand people apply their doings of the last 10 years 1:1 to IPv6 and continue on the same mistakes which will not be helpful either. I would really love to see weekly Routing Reports for IPv6 as we have them for legacy IP rather sooner than later. /bz -- Bjoern A. Zeeb Welcome a new stage of life. <ks> Going to jail sucks -- <bz> All my daemons like it! http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails.html