Well said! Gee, you mean that this *is* really a business?? Best regards, David Van Allen - You Tools Corporation / FASTNET(tm) dave@fast.net (610) 289-1100 http://www.fast.net FASTNET - PA/NJ/DE Internet Solutions
-----Original Message----- From: Stephen Balbach [SMTP:stephen@clark.net] Sent: Friday, May 02, 1997 6:43 AM To: Gordon Cook Cc: nanog@merit.edu; inet-access@earth.com; dave@oldcolo.com Subject: Re: UUNET Pulling Peering Agreements & replacing them with charging under non-disclosure?
First it was AGIS (but who cares about AGIS?). Now UUNET. Tomorrow who? MCI? As UUNET and others of the big five move to consolidate their markets.......... let UUNET put the smaller national backbones against the wall and whom do the rest of ISP's have to rely on? Those ISPs who did not get hit in UUNET's first round of cuts. Will you get it in the neck in the second or the third round?
The only thing UUNET is cutting is Internet trees, and there are some who are protesting by hugging them. Clear out the chaff for next seasons crops.
Buying connectivity from an ISP who peers with UUNET, or buying direct from UUNET, is a lot cheaper then building a national DS-3/OC-3 backbone and trying to be default free - this is not about UUNET cuting throats, it's about large and small ISP's examining thier business model.