Brad Knowles wrote:
At 10:30 AM -0700 2005-07-08, Matt Ghali wrote:
You keep using the "entire internet" in your replies, when I was under the assumption that we were discussing the inter-provider DFZ.
The only routers which could possibly be affected by the "prefix bloat problem" would be multi-homed and mostly inter-provider, which is a small fraction of "all routers on the internet".
They're the biggest and most expensive routers on the Internet, and if the routing table were to be allowed to grow without bounds, they wouldn't be the only ones that would need to be replaced. Everyone else would very soon have the exact same problem. And there are enough of them that you'd probably spend more money upgrading them than upgrading all the other routers in the world.
The biggest routers are being upgraded anyway because of even higher link speeds and port desities. A Cisco "CRS-1 16-SLOT LINE-CARD CHASSIS ROUTE PROCESSOR" comes with 4 GB of route memory default size. Juniper's T320 and T640 come with 2 GB of main memory default size. That should take them to some higher number of routes. On the other hand a large DFZ routing table would simply dampen its growth by itself. If it gets to costly to multihome because of the hardware requirements only few would be able to so. Ergo we have a negative feedback system here keeping itself in check. Case solved and closed. -- Andre