Barry Shein wrote:
I realize this is easier in theory than practice but I wonder how much better the whole AOL (et al) spam button would get if they ignored the spam button unless two (to pick a number) different customers clicked the same sender (I know, forged sender etc but something like that) as spam in a reasonably short amount of time like an hour or a day at most.
Well there's a problem with that too. Lets say that you happen to need to deal with various office workers, who just happen to be the kind of folks who hold the public they serve in low regard and high contempt. Lets further say that these office workers feel no obligation to obey the law or demonstrate any consideration whatsoever for you or the trouble their callous inconsideration actions have caused you, requiring that you repeatedly and persistiently make contact and state your case. Lets further say that these same office workers - who are incompetent functionaries bewildered by that pointy thing on the screen and have zero forethought about the consequences of their actions - decide it's easier to deal with you by clicking 'spam' repeatedly instead of engaging in that conversation and working twords a resolution of the problem you need to report. We forget here on nanog that our list participants are (usually) high functioning people with substantial computer, technical, communications experience and who approach their personal communications a lot differently than the average 'end user', who has difficulty even finding the 'on' button let alone using it to any great effect. I run into the above described office worker stereotype on a frequent basis (the bearer of bad news, or having to represent someone or some cause) and the default action - spam - is almost universal amoungst these types. Just because THEY say it's spam, doesn't mean a whole lot of anything other than maybe you interrupted their coffee break or it would be too much work and maybe someone else will get the message so they don't have to do anything. The idea of using a group of users to effectively 'vote' only works when the group in question is comprised of reasonable people, and unfortunately, freemail users and office workers 'protected by postini' are the least likely candidates to make reasonable choices with votes for spam..... $0.02 Mike-