As it turns out, I've been playing around benchmarking things lately using the tried and true UnixBench suite and here are a few numbers that might put this in some perspective: 1) My new Rapsberry pi (4 cores, arm): 406 2) My home i5-like thing (asus 4 cores, 16gb's from last year): 3857 3) AWS c4.xlarge (4 cores, ~8gb's): 3666 So you'd need to, uh, wedge about 10 pi's to get one half way modern x86. Mike On 5/11/15 1:37 PM, Clay Fiske wrote:
On May 8, 2015, at 10:24 PM, wrote:
Pi dimensions:
3.37 l (5 front to back) 2.21 w (6 wide) 0.83 h 25 per U (rounding down for Ethernet cable space etc) = 825 pi
Cable management and heat would probably kill this before it ever reached completion, but lol…
This feels like it should be a Friday thread. :)
If you’re really going for density:
- At 0.83 inches high you could go 2x per U (depends on your mounting system and how much space it burns) - I’d expect you could get at least 7 wide if not 8 with the right micro-USB power connector - In most datacenter racks I’ve seen you could get at least 8 deep even with cable breathing room
So somewhere between 7x8x2 = 112 and 8x8x2 = 128 per U. And if you get truly creative about how you stack them you could probably beat that without too much effort.
This doesn’t solve for cooling, but I think even at these numbers you could probably make it work with nice, tight cabling.